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Jissie Sussie Soetseun Sweeties

Our version of everybody’s all-time favourite - Cowboy Candy.

Deliciously crunchy and juicy Jalapeno Slices pickled in a sweet and tangy sauce of sugar, vinegar and garlic. A burst of flavour!

Use as a topping for the perfect steak or add it to your sandwich for a crunchy bite of heat. Put it in your salad or top your crackers and cheese or pizza. Our favourite treat is to eat it straight out of the bottle with a spoon.

This product is gluten free and vegan friendly

Soetseun Sweeties (HL Mild-Medium) 350ml


🏴‍☠️ Aye, Ye’ve Found It, Pirate! 🏴‍☠️

Congratulations, matey! Ye’ve uncovered the fiery treasure hidden in the oily depths. Yer sharp wit and keen eye have brought ye this far—well done!

Pirate Captain: "Arrr, ye’ve done it! Ye found the right treasure, and now it’s time to head for shore! But beware—there may still be a twist or two in this tale before ye claim the final prize. The shore be in sight, but yer journey’s not over yet!"

The next clue awaits, and the final treasure be within reach! Click the picture below to continue on yer way and sail into port for the grand reveal!

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