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Garlic & Chilli Dipping Sauce (Mild or Hot):

Elevate your snacks with this perfect blend of strong garlic and chili, conveniently packaged and ready to enjoy straight from the bottle!

Dunk your favorite finger foods like chicken nuggets, spring rolls, or potato wedges for an explosion of flavor.

Garlic & Chilli Dip 200ml (HL Mild)


    🏴‍☠️ Aye, Ye’ve Found It, Pirate! 🏴‍☠️

    Congratulations, matey! Ye’ve uncovered the fiery treasure hidden in the oily depths. Yer sharp wit and keen eye have brought ye this far—well done!

    Pirate Captain: "Arrr, ye’ve done it! Ye found the right treasure, and now it’s time to head for shore! But beware—there may still be a twist or two in this tale before ye claim the final prize. The shore be in sight, but yer journey’s not over yet!"

    The next clue awaits, and the final treasure be within reach! Click the picture below to continue on yer way and sail into port for the grand reveal!

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