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Cheatasco, our unique twist on the classic Sriracha-style sauce.

A playful and subtly spicy condiment bursting with delightful flavors!

Indulge your taste buds by drizzling Cheatasco over your favorite dishes. Whether it's adding zing to your slap chips, enhancing the savoriness of steak & eggs, or dressing up your salads, this versatile sauce elevates any meal.

Feeling adventurous? Take a bold sip straight from the bottle!

Crafted with care in our kitchen, Cheatasco is a homemade hot sauce with a twist. Our special steeping process involves pickling a blend of red chilies in vinegar, sugar, garlic, and salt, allowing the flavors to meld to perfection before cooking and blending.

Gluten-free and vegan-friendly, Cheatasco is a guilt-free indulgence that everyone can enjoy.

Experience the irresistible taste of Cheatasco – the sauce that pairs perfectly with everything!

Cheatasco (HL Mild) 125ml


🏴‍☠️ Aye, Ye’ve Found It, Pirate! 🏴‍☠️

Congratulations, matey! Ye’ve uncovered the fiery treasure hidden in the oily depths. Yer sharp wit and keen eye have brought ye this far—well done!

Pirate Captain: "Arrr, ye’ve done it! Ye found the right treasure, and now it’s time to head for shore! But beware—there may still be a twist or two in this tale before ye claim the final prize. The shore be in sight, but yer journey’s not over yet!"

The next clue awaits, and the final treasure be within reach! Click the picture below to continue on yer way and sail into port for the grand reveal!

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