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Savoury Quiche

The Savoury Quiche is a delicious meal on its own, or as a side dish as well. You can adjust the recipe with any ingredients that you like, this quiche is so versatile that it adapts to any changes you'd like to make.

Now if you are smart, you choose the right pastry to star with. I off course chose puff pastry instead of shortcrust, which did not work out perfectly for me. The key is to roll your pastry out nice and thin, and remember to poke it full of holes with a fork before baking at 200 degrees Celsius until golden brown.

The puff pastry turned out like this, so please try to get shortcrust instead. :-)

For the filling you can choose whatever you like. We started with some fried onions...

To this we added some chopped viennas, green pepper, chopped chillies, mushroom and Italian Tomatoes. Season to taste with salt, pepper, paprika.

Add the filling to the pie dish. It kind of looks like a glorified pizza now...

Mix 1 cup milk with 2 eggs, then another cup of cream with 2 egg yolks. The egg yolks make sure that your tart does not come out too "spongy". Add this to carefully to your dish.

Add some chees on top. Bake in the oven on 200 degrees for about 30 minutes, until the center is not "wiggly" anymore.

Serve hot or leave to cool off before serving. I find it's even more delicious the next day!

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