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🏴‍☠️ Poisoned by Treacherous Rivals! 🏴‍☠️

Arrr, matey! Treachery be afoot! A fellow pirate, eager to claim the treasure for themselves, has poisoned yer rum and food, leavin’ ye weak and helpless. Yer quest for treasure be cut short by betrayal!

Treacherous Pirate:

"Ye trusted me, but trust be a fool’s game on these waters! While ye were celebratin’ with a feast, I slipped poison into yer meal. The treasure will be mine, and ye’ll be swimmin’ with the fishes!"

Beware of who ye trust on the high seas, pirate! Yer rivals be as dangerous as the stormy waters. Regain yer strength and plot a new course for treasure—if ye dare!

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